Design Thinking Process

Lessons redesigning the New York Times App.

From the case study of redesigning the NYT app problem statements were discovered and some following factors for the difficulties in the app usage were identified.

One of the major things I discovered was the notification to assist users to open the app and asses articles.

From the design thinking process, they recognize the major way in which users access news which is mostly social media, and a demography was discovered which was age 20-40 tech-savvy peeps.

In the process, Visual storytelling was adopted to explore the features of the app, the design was also criticized based on feedback.

After the final prototype 2 modes which are manual and automatic.

Redesigning the New York Times app is a significant undertaking that requires a user-centered approach. By addressing the pain points identified through research, implementing a personalized user experience, and prioritizing accessibility, the redesigned app can provide a more engaging and satisfying news-reading experience for its users, ultimately solidifying its position as a leader in digital journalism.